maandag 7 december 2009

Today i came across a really funny campain for the end of the year. Every year Stichting Consument en Veiligeid thinks of a new way to rais awareness on the dangers of fireworks.

The theme for this year is about the spectators who are involved in a "fireworks gone bad"moment. It is a fact that half of the fireworks victims are the spectators. With this years campain "Shit happens" they want to make people aware of the dangers reaching beyond the one lightning the fireworks.

What you see is actually a movie of a firework flyin in the direction of a spectator. This person is headed to the hospital where he is being treated by a plastic surgeon. At the and you can see the result.

What you can see here is a viral that shows you a bad moment with fireworks and the result of this. They give it a funny twist a the end. By giving you the ability to edit a part of the movie you get interacted. By sending you edited movie you let other people know about the effects of fireworls raising the awareness.

My verdict is that this is a good viral wich will defenitely reach its goal.

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